Monday, June 27, 2005

friends don't let friends use IE

before i start ranting, let me just say (as i find it extremely cool) that now, apparently, you can post images without having to host them yourself! this is a huge thing for me because i remembered something about how they weren't going to have this kind of support for mac for a long, long time, if at all. but again, the google buyout of pyra has given us loads of new cool things, and the nice people there seem to actually care about their customer base (even if it is free). that said, i don't know how long we've had this feature... i'm not the most regular blogger anymore and when i do come in here i usually don't check the updates or the layout of the post page. another one of the many things i have to get into in the upcoming days.

anyway, i just had the best day i've had in a very, very long time. and as a bonus it was the best day i've had at work (of all places!). i was fortunate enough to attend a workshop/seminar given by molly holzschlag, hosted by the big entity that is my employer (honestly, these kind of things happen all the time and i only get to go to one the whole summer. you know how much their css class was? $700. and i get this one free. freaks.). anyway, i heard from some other people that it was kind of a summary of what they already knew, but for me who's really just starting to be serious about css (and the whole xhtml/xml thing), it was very, very, very helpful. it was exactly what i've been wanting to do all summer. exactly what i've been wanting to learn. and validation! i mean, huge stuff when you look at it from standards, which was the point of all this. standards are awesome. you might hate complying, but it helps so much. seriously. in anything really, standards are great to use. anyway, i get to go back tomorrow for the hands-on part of the class (hopefully some people won't show so i can actually sit at a computer and do the hands-on rather than just listening to her, which still isn't bad at all), which will no doubt be just as awesome. and tomorrow is all css.

karma. just, karma man. for as shitty as i've been feeling, being good to others really comes back to you.

now i don't know if come noon tomorrow when i go back to my usual job i won't still want to quit at the end of the week, but this definitely makes things at least a little better.

quick notes: i've been meaning to get opera for a while now to add to my browser list (to check css layouts and such, web dev stuff), and now i'll finally have to do it. if you don't [have a mac and use safari, or] use firefox, i would say check out opera. i've only heard good things about it.

must spend ridiculous amounts of time at the w3c and learn, learn, learn. also must look into bbedit, that or finally learn how to use project builder as it was intended. hell i could write all my java in textEdit for all i do with project builder right now.

ok, it's half an hour past my bedtime and a little kitten is standing on my bed next to me, waiting for me to get off the computer. hopefully more tomorrow!

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