Monday, March 15, 2004

but we loved with a love that was more than love

cripes and now i've been googling more poe stuff. and i really, really liked that research paper.

updated my blogroll and switched most people around, some by preference and some by if you update at any regular interval. but mostly it's just so i won't have to type in the url of each page that i want to visit.

and again, if you don't want the link, just tell me and i'll remove it.

ah yes, i added hibbity jibbity. which should actually be pecan sandies rock my world, but i didn't want to have to abbreviate it. so.

i've been pondering lately posting the story i had to write for creative writing. not funny, not amusing, not even that well written, considering how easy it should've been for me to write. and i was thinking about reading it in class, but i don't think i will. not because i'm afraid of anything or anyone's opinion of me, i actually feel that i can say most things i wouldn't even bring up with my friends in that class. but it's just that i don't think the class (as a whole. there are exceptions in individuals) would be on my same wavelength to appreciate it as a story, and not the "is it true??" question that will come from it. and i don't know if they'll actually react that way, everyone might be really mature with the whole thing (mature? more like calm). i don't know. i'll see how it goes tomorrow.

and here. well, i have a paranoia theory going on lately about this blog, but i've been too lazy to track the ip's coming in. basically i have a feeling that member(s) of my family have found this thing. and hey, it's public. it's the internet. you can find it through links. you can find it through google, although it's gonna take you a damn long time even if you do know what to google for (i've tried). i'm fine with it being public, but i'm not fine with my family treating me differently according to what i say in this blog. honestly, i have a problem with my family in general (honestly, i have a problem with people in general) knowing who i am and what i'm doing. i have an even bigger problem with them getting misinformation about who i am and how i'm feeling and what my plans are (and who my friends are) and what i'm doing. misinformation from my mother. because she doesn't know, and i'm at the point where i really don't want her to know who i am. ah, the dilemma.

so no posting the story (or story related things) until i get this resolved, or at least am more secure in my habitation and pending job.

it's getting harder waiting for the tattoo.

a thousand thoughts running through my head, and i just need to talk to you. i just need to write it down.

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