Saturday, December 25, 2004

so help me jesus

ah yes, and the song that is a song. and now i have the whole toadies album on my mac. which i'm typing on now. ah, if people only knew.

happy pagan sun god feast day turned "jesus' birthday" by constantine so he could keep both gods! but that's a different story. i'm not into that sort of stuff anymore, but jesus was one cool kid. word to outcasts of society.

but anyway.

no one posts anymore! and yes i'm more than guilty of this, i blame long hours at work not being able to do anything but look at cnn on the net (when i'm on the net). that and the usual weirdess that is/has been me. but hey, more extreme ups than downs lately, which should be good...

the reason i'm posting is to exclaim the awesomeness of programmers yet again. i mean, what other geeks can do something like this... i mean i think that's just awesome. picture compliments of ernie, the local blogosphere webdev that i check out.

anyway. again.

sent my powerbook off to get fixed on wednesday of last week, got it back at 11am that friday, fixed. holy crap batman, apple even rocks when they're sending packages! and the best part is i don't have to spend money on it, since it was a non-recall recall. i have to check my battery's serial number again to see if i actually did get in on that other recall. but it's all good, seeing as how i only had to use the windows pc for 2 days.

watching all of the blade movies in the last 2 days makes me want to fish out my unused vampire fangs (the good ones this time) and make ipod playlists. even though i don't have an ipod. hot vampires == goooood. which reminds me, i haven't done any programming in like four weeks. that's harsh. i still have 3 weeks of semester break, over which i must work, sign up for orientation/go to orientation, be creative and make some art, and torment people about getting piercings. so much to do, so little time to procrastinate. i have next week off though...

maybe i'll hang around here some more in the coming days. who knows with this one. see you people when i see you. and remember, don't piss off the flying elephants. by the time you hear the big fwooping sound of their wings, it's already too late.

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