Sunday, February 02, 2003


good thing: lee at mass. bad thing: mass. good thing: free breakfast! bad thing: free breakfast with grams. good thing: internet! bad thing: a whole day at school setting up the stage.

damn today has been something. first, last night i felt like crap with a headache, which prompted me to not fall asleep till who knows when. i get up today at 7 and have to go to church. again. i was so close to telling them, but they've both been quite pissed off lately, so now is not a great time. adding on to church, we have to take gram with us. and then we have to go to breakfast at the knights with her. and wait for her. and get coffee spilled on me by her. thanks gram. i needed that. add on one extremely pissed off mom, and you've got my hell this morning. and now i have to go with them to santa to help put up the stage. fun. and you know every other time we've put up the stage it's been total hell, with my mom always being pissed off, which eventually leads to my dad being pissed off, which leads to them both treating me like shit. and of course i'm in pain afterwards because my knees are still messed up. oh the joy of what i have to look forward to.

and then i get on the net and alex scares me. which makes me want to go to her house and spend the day with her... but there's the whole stage thing i have to do. bah. the weekend that i was supposed to have to myself.

oh OH and to add to my morning: one of the deacons tells me after mass "i've got an application for you." "um, really?" "yeah, it's for search." now what the hell am i supposed to say to that? "oh sorry but i can't do it... i'm an atheist that just happens to still go to mass"?? no, of course not. so i managed to sputter out that drama club was going to take up all of my time. "even weekends?" "yes, even weekends."

bah i need to do this soon it's getting damn ridiculous.

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