Wednesday, July 09, 2003


i was just thinking, michael and david are two of the best guys names ever. and it's kinda ironic seeing how that's two of daivd's three names. it kinda creeps me out.

question: earbuds. how are they on sound quality? i can't exactly wear my headphones for a few months. not unless i want to put up with the extreme pain.

pirates of the caribbean is out in dreamcatcher. mmm johnny depp.

i have three options: buy earbuds, go see the movie, or save my money for what i'm saving my money for. it's a hard pick...

there's a fire in the mountains behind my house. it's been there for over a week, but they just recently started bothering with it, because it got a LOT bigger. funny. but there's smoke everywhere, especially in the mornings, when i wake up and can't even see the mountains there's so much smoke. which explains why my eyes are giving me fits.

bah. i'm off.

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