Monday, May 19, 2003

who says being morbid's a bad thing?

i don't know. right now i don't feel like doing anything at all. i don't want to move. to get up. i just want to sleep. is that bad? wanting to sleep for a whole day. not waking up, not laying there awake in bed, but to be completely asleep, all day.

how do you tell your friend what you feel without ending the friendship? is it possible? is it possible to be completely truthful with the people you love and not expect to get hurt? i don't know.

taking a chance could be the best thing i could do in my life, or the worst thing. from past experience, it was the worst thing. every time i take a chance, i end up regretting it. and i don't want to end up regretting this. it's all gonna end, but i don't want it to end yet. the end of next year will come soon enough.

being optimistic saved my life. now i think i've just become passive, waiting to die, 'cause i know there's nothing to be optimistic for.

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