Saturday, December 27, 2003


cripes. it's already the 27th. where the hell did this week go? it still all seems like one long sunday.

so i got my camera back yesterday. a day after we needed it. and i could've had it last week, except they fucked up and didn't send us a letter specifying what extension to call to tell them to fix it. so i missed taking pictures monday and i missed taking pictures thursday. now that i look back on it i wouldn't have taken any on thursday, but my dad could've.

moral of the story: don't be a fuckup at your job. if you are, save everyone the time and energy and just quit.

so now that i have my camera back i have to get busy again on the whole slideshow thing. i haven't worked on it since thanksgiving when i stopped trying to learn javascripting.

shit. i hope no applications are due the end of december, because i'm definitely not getting them done. and that was random. and now i'm confused about what i was talking about before that popped into my head...

ah yes, checklist. messenger bag: check. on sale no less. on sale for $25 less than it was originally. the only sale item i bought yesterday. i still have to go back in to villa linda in the next few days to see if any store has jeans that actually fit me, and if they're on sale for $30 or less. and i'm actually contemplating going down to cruces for a few days just so i can go to sunland park and see what sales they have. plus it will get me out of this house.

but that, of course, will never happen.

no one's online at 10am, so i will be off.

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