Thursday, May 27, 2004


so far i have experienced the joys of cracked out dreams while on pain killers and lots and lots of soup and v8. v8 is really good when you haven't really eaten anything in a day.


i thought for some reason last night that i didn't have to take an ibuprofin for bed. i felt fine (i'm actually really amazed at how good i feel, considering there's a few holes in my mouth and i cannot suck, spit, or otherwise disturb them). but nooo, i wake up in the middle of the night with a nice aching feeling. so i took an ibuprofin with the penecillin at 6 this morning and slept till 11:30 or so.

moral of the story: always take the pain killers. even if you think you have an awesomely high pain tolerance, you don't, so just take the pills and pass out.

i watched my first full episode of enterprise last night, thanks to brian, and now i'm confused as all hell on what alien is who. i don't know if he looks like a reman, but brian's theory behind it all seems to work out nicely. i was just thinkin that the guy looked oddly like that species that they kept running into on v'ger (starts with an h... the hunters... they made holographs for them to hunt... i need to brush up on my facts...) (the hirogen! i knew i'd remember...eventually).

cripes now i'm on a startrek rant.

i really want to get out today, seeing as how i have three or so days to get everything together before i go to cruces. but then again i really don't want to drive yet, and seeing as i need the practice i'll probably be made to.

wow. i'm not even making sense to myself anymore.

must drink more v8.

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