Wednesday, September 25, 2002

who the hell am i anyway??

my passion for trying is slowly letting go of me.

i mean, i love to learn... as long as it isn't english, and i'll try anything school related just to learn something. i'll go through homework and tests and semi/total-psychotic teachers and it won't bother me cause i'm learning something that could define me later on in life.

but st. mikes has just about killed all that out of me. now i won't do my homework, won't pay attention in class, won't study for tests, and frankly i don't even care if teachers get pissed off at me.

uh, to understand that you have to understand my system... or actually THE system:

1 - suck up, a lot. teachers have no problem hating you. despite what people may tell you about how teachers are always there for you and such (and such, damn it daniel now i'm saying that), they really don't give a general shit about you. they're getting paid crappy and they feel like they're god, so they think everyone should bow down at their feet. that said... you have to majorly suck up to survive decently. i don't mean suck up so it's obvious, just that you're always nice and courteous and prepared for class and generally participative. this includes when you feel like absolute crap or that the teacher is being a nazi. i know it sounds unconventional and degrading, but this is how i've survived 11 & 1/2 years of school... with an A average.

2 - pay ATTENTION during class. again, i know it sounds unconventional, but usually if you pay attention, and i mean really pay attention, you'll know everything or at least have a general knowledge of everything that's on tests and homework. this cuts out all the late-night cramming that never helps you anyway. and usually this gives you a way better grade than if you never pay attention during class and cram til 1:30am for a test.

3 - DO NOT get your teachers pissed at you. you get them pissed even once, and they're liable to take it out on you when they're grading your stuff. believe it, they do it. hell, if they don't like you're siblings or parents they'll take it out on you. that's why you have to be extra careful about what you do and say and how you act around them.

i have more stuff that goes into detail, but this is the general part. oh yeah and
DISCLAIMER: i know there are some teachers out there who are actually nice and care about their students, so don't jump down my throat for what i said. the thing is... have you ever experienced new mexico's education system? i mean really experienced it? then shut up and keep reading.

so that is my general system i live by. or lived by i should say. see, st. mike's is like hell, governed over by Hitler and all her nazis. no matter what you do, you're in a sweltering inferno filled with asshole adults who want all the power, and want you to kiss their feet. oh, and look at it if hell had a designated uniform you had to wear every day. if you don't like the hell metaphor, then look at it as a prison. it's pretty much exactly the same, except without cable tv and having to use soap on a rope...

YOU try having to go to school in hell. see how long you last. but anyway, nothing i do changes anything, and i figure if i have to live in hell for the next 2 years, i might as well stop trying to actually enjoy being there, cause i don't. now i hang out with my friends more and worry about school less, i come home and instead of doing homework i get on the net. then i watch tv. then i eat dinner, watch tv, and go to bed. if homework gets done, well then i must have been extremely bored.

and frankly i like this new way of life. it's nice. not having to worry all the time, actually getting to do what i want, it's nice. i still get pissed when i don't get good grades on things, but i let it go a lot easier now than i did a few years ago. i mean if i have to live in hell i might as well enjoy what i can, right?


i've spent too much time on this already. remind me next time that no one reads this and i'll put less on here...

well not really but you never know i might just become an english major or something.

HA. just checkin if you were still paying attention.

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