Friday, August 30, 2002


so now i feel bad again about how crappy my posts have been. i always want to say something that's been in my head all day, but when i do it just sounds really really bad. well, not really bad, but close.

so yesterday i was sitting on my couch trying to procrastinate (not do my homework) and i saw that i didn't read newsweek when we got it in the mail this week. so i picked it up and flipped through it, and THEY HAD AN ARTICLE ON BLOGS! how cool is that? yeah i got so hyped and i told my mom and she was like "a what?" yeah i know.

so i love guitar. it seems that i've managed to get an intermediate guitar. i was looking at everyone else's and i noticed that the necks on theirs were bigger than mine, and i was like damn no wonder i keep touching 2 strings at once. but it's all good. i love it too much to mind a lot, and daniel said that he'd trade me, given that he has 2 guitars and he likes mine better.

so yeah, first week of school for me. it was ok. i was totally overwhelmed by all the stuff i missed last week. i still have to do some stuff for history too. and me parece que inglés es muy tonto. no me gusta el inglés, pero el español es mi amigo. i swear it's worse than big t's class. and that tells you a lot. i feel like hitler has come and recruited all the people with psycho tendencies. i don't know, i'm hoping she'll chill out, or someone will fire her.

three day weekend and i have major english homework to do. i really want to go into santa and hang with alex (and meet owen) and see signs 'cause it's still at dreamcatcher. i don't know. aaaaaahhhhh i want it to be later already so i don't have to deal with all this school crap that keeps coming up.

aw i'm getting more and more confused, so i'm just gonna stop writing for now.

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