Friday, August 27, 2004

'cause you're always running out

oh, oh, oh, the dilemma.

i really like one class. in fact, it's the only class that i actually like. this class is sociology 101.

i really hate one class. i dare say that i hate it more than my uterus, which is a lot. this class is university 150.

i've toyed around with the idea of double majoring. computer science, and physics.

and the result of all this is:

i went to see an advisor to drop univ 150, and mentioned that i would like to see if i could double major and what physics classes if any i could take. she says "go to the physics dept and talk to them". i go, and the next thing i know i'm filling out drop/add slips. no talking about why i want to take physics, or if i can handle it. but there's no phys 213 on mwf, so the only time i can take it is tr at 8:55am. this happens to be the same time as my soc class. to take physics, which the advisor is assuming i'm going to do, i must drop the only class i like, pick up a lab on friday at 12:30, and pick up a history class (east asia since 1600) on mwf right after my cs class.

i have all the slips filled out to do this. but i don't know if i want to do this.

all i know is that i'm dropping univ 150. when i do this, i'll have one class on wednesdays and 12 hours. i need more hours than that, i can't deal with that much free time.

i don't know what to do.

i wanted to start taking physics next semester. i figured that i would be used to everything by second semester, and maybe i'd be able to handle physics better then. i took physics last year, a high school physics class, and barely survived (and that was with daivd explaining things). i already have about the same load as last year (cs and calc being the equivalent of phys and calc). if i get physics, i don't know if i'll just be screwing myself over.

and i really, really, really like sociology. briefly considered majoring in that instead... if i transfer. i didn't even touch that issue with the first advisor. people really don't like to help you around here.

this is a time-sensitive issue. i have to do this today by 3:30 at the latest.

maybe i'm trying to ask for advice on what to do. but i already know the answer i'll get. maybe i just want someone to validate what i want so i won't feel like such a failure when i do it.

i know no one's on. i was just hoping...


[edit] time more than up... interesting turn of events... [/edit]

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