Friday, September 26, 2003

ascii is gooood

and i just bit my lip again, for the 52nd time this week. bah.

friday. finally. it seemed like this week would never be over. but here it is, and now i'm faced with everything else i have to do this weekend. but today is for jessica, tomorrow for projects, sunday for fiesta, and monday for alex. so.

why can't the colleges i want to go to send me applications? things should be easier. i should just fill out three applications and send them out, and get it over with. best friends seem to be going to college across the country from each other. this shall be quite a new experience.

i think i'm gonna try and start from now to get into the cruces bridge engineering thing, now that i'll be 18. it's awesome money, college credit, and a chance for me to hang out in cruces after i graduate. my mom said she doesn't know if they'll accept me, since i'm not planning on going in state for college, but i don't think it should be that big of a problem.

i was just thinking, thinking about things that i want to do in my life. preferably my near-future life. like go to a yo-yo ma concert, an andrea bocelli opera/concert. go watch cirque du soleil. care more about guitar to practice and play classical. build a house. become a photographer and have work that i'm proud of.

mmm. off to play with my camera.

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