Saturday, September 13, 2003

website upkeep day

now i have that damn song stuck in my head. everybody! everybody! so addictive.

so yeah. today is website upkeep day. it was originally "get off your lazy ass and do all your research for school projects" day, but again, i'm really lazy. and i have a day i can be on the net. and a new digital camera. that can take black and white pictures. and it's awesomes. no, not just awesomes. it's spendiferous. speaking of spendiferous, did i ever put pseudodictionary on my links? i don't think so. so then it's a perfect day for website upkeep day.

i'm thinking my glasses are what's giving me headaches. i remember i jumped a whole -1.0 on my prescription between my glasses and my contacts the last time, and it doesn't seem like that much of a difference, but i know it is. but alas, can't go back to the doctor's to get a new prescription until after october so insurance will pay for it. which reminds me, i have to throw my contacts out today.

now i have only one thing to look forward to this next week: senior rings. which would make me a lot happier if i got to miss calc for it, but the mass/ceremony is after second. at least i get to miss religion and english. i won't get the chance to order the ep until the 18th, it won't ship until the 25th. or, wait. they sometimes ship cds earlier for preorder... did that mean they originally were going to ship them for preorder a week early, so now it's shipping on the 18th? that would be awesome. maybe i can look forward to getting it sooner then. if not, it's still ok.

and now the other thing. the whole i might get my braces off thing. the thing that throws me off with that is the might. they seem pretty enthusiastic every time i go in for an appt, but i also know he can say "let's wait another month". which wouldn't be anything. i mean, i've only had braces for a little less than two years. other people have theirs for much longer than two years. and they haven't really been a bother at all. i mean, my one pound of weight loss was probably contributed to by me not being able to eat certain things (that and me not eating at all. but i've gotten over that. for now). i've never had a problem with them, and any discomfort was easily treated with ibuprofin (i could be on commercials toting the spendiferousness of ibuprofin). i don't know. my braces aren't a really big bad thing with me. of course i was the one who was wanting braces in fifth grade. so i might be biased.

so anyway, i hope i get them off. but if not, hey, it's not the end of the world.

i've been meaning to update my compsci site for about two months now, and i haven't gotten around to it. after i switched my old geocities site to frames, i haven't done anything to it. but i have to get back on that. i have... an angelfire site i use for blog picture hosting, another tripod site i use for... well i don't remember what the hell that site has on it. i should probably look into that. maybe more picture hosting. oh wait, you can't link pictures hosted on tripod. that's why i got angelfire. now i remember. and there's always this blog's template i have to fix.

and i have to figure out what college i want to see more of when we go on our colorado college trip: colorado state (which i hear is just like nmsu, except in colorado), or university of colorado. i'm thinkin of not going to see berkeley until next semester, since we only get two excused absences for college purposes.

too many things.

i have to register for SATIIs, start filling out UC application, do homework for school, and help clean the house for when the work starts.

oh yeah, and start looking for scholarships. i actually should start doing that right now.

staying busy is good, going insane is not. so, internet is my downtime.

my saturday morning post complete, although it still didn't say much of anything at all. oh well. writing something is better than not writing at all. off.

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