Tuesday, September 23, 2003

days from hell

i have so much to get done between now and exams.

a sociology project. a government project. start of a physics project.

not to mention do all my homework, try and understand calc, limp my way through the physics tests, and not want to kill my teachers.

oh wait. don't we all have some sort of understanding on that last one?

seriously. i shouldn't even be on the net right now, i'm so swamped.

the ep/dvd gets shipped october 8th. which is crap, but it's not like i'm not going to preorder it tonight. i just hope they get the lp out when they say they are.

i really need to drop a class. i have two choices: calc or physics. i hate calc, i like physics. i don't understand calc, i usually do understand physics (amazingly). calc teacher doesn't teach, physics teacher teaches... more than calc teacher. i like physics, and if i understand it well enough then i'd really like to go into something physics related in college. but no, i want to be in computer science or engineering. which requires calc. solution: i'm going to take either class again in college no matter what (calculus really no matter what). i'd rather take physics now than take calc now. it's just the matter of how dropping calc honors will look on my transcripts. apparently colleges don't like that sort of thing. i say fuck it.

of course, i often say that, and don't mean it five minutes later.

no time for life.

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