Wednesday, November 12, 2003

don't fucking fuck with me

ah yes another perfect ending to another glorious day.

wake up feeling like shit so i miss first period.

get into student parking lot and can't find a place because they sold more stickers than there are places and *gasp!* people are parking there without stickers.

come in second period to be met with satan "if you're sick you should really go home". like he fucking cares.

met by a wonderful test in physics. that made my head hurt. seriously.

headache persists as i run around the auditorium trying to make sure my mom doesn't go psycho and get us into another car wreck like last year.

go to run errands. find the most incompetent employees working. get late because of said incompetence.

come back to insane children running around. psycho mother emerges. since i'm not an important character at all, we haven't gotten any of my props together. so i get them thirty seconds before i go onstage.

and bomb.


rip my costume off and leave school. to find that it's snowing. insanely.

get home about an hour later.

yeah. i had a fucking great day.

if we don't get a snow day tomorrow i'm gonna snap.

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