Thursday, October 31, 2002


so here i am, sitting, surfing blogger, waiting for anything to happen. so yeah it's halloween. i'm sitting here doing nothing just as i have most all other halloweens. but hey i'm used to it by now.

so writing in that journal wasn't as fulfilling as i thought it would be. granted i only had 15 minutes to write in it, but still... it was pretty sad. if i had written a first post like that on a blog it would be worthy to delete. but alas, that's what happens when you write on unlined paper. i really think it's the fact that the jounal isn't lined that's making it so hard for me to write. ah stupid me but i've already started writing so i've already ruined the book, might as well keep on trying.

i was thinking today... i have great friends. really, truly, wonderfully great friends. i wish i could've had them forever, instead of going through all that back-stabbing and unloyal crap. bah I MISS HIM!!!

more on that maybe never.

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