Monday, August 11, 2003

and counting?

i don't know if i want to post about yesterday. too much stuff, and it's not all that interesting the day after. bah.

first off: i missed sounds like that's blogaversary. well, not so much missed it as was too out of it to post then. i remember last year, helping alex set up that blog (and the 3 commenting systems i went through before i settled on using enetation for it), the walkie talkies and pudding, and the wonderfulness of having one of my friends blogging (of course it started before that, but it doesn't count until you get your own blog). so congrats on one year of blogging. here's to 3000 more hits the next year.

that said, today seems to be pyromania's blogaversary too. oddly i started this "personal blog" because i felt that too many people knew about my other blog, and that i couldn't write what i wanted on it anymore. so i started pyromania for the purpose of writing exactly how i felt at the time. thoughts going through my head, my worries, my rants, the journey of sorting stuff out in my head. did it work? partly. i wrote long, ranting posts in the beginning, fading out to short ranting posts in the end. the end. i thought about it more than once this summer, but that's probably because it was one of the worse summers that i remember. things will even out now that school's starting. less time to post, so less posting, so more of what i really want to say will come out. hopefully.

so to recap: "personal blog"? not so much anymore, but i want to try to change that.

one year down.

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