Monday, August 04, 2003

long live el dangeroso

first off: when you start a diet, is it common to crave everything you can't eat? that's how it's been for me all weekend. the only thing keeping me from giving in is the knowledge that i'd most likely feel sick afterward. and the experiment continues.

secondly: flickerstick just finished the ep. it has six tracks, and their working on making the dvd from footage of the cac show to put with it. projected release date: fall 2003. since they don't have to mess with any major record company, i'd think that odds are it'll be out before december, hopefully november. who knows, now that they're signed up with war?. they're also going into studio to record the next album in september, so as for now the release date of before end of january 2004 looks good.

so much flickerstick to look forward to this year. and special appearances by el dangeroso.

speaking of flickerstick, i saw cac (but not whta) at borders the last time i was there. made me happy.

oh yeah, and apparently the street team's site is permanently dead. no matter though. not like we're doing much right now.

i had a really scary thought last night: when i get my braces off, they're gonna take another round of x-rays. which means i'll have to take my earrings out. that's not even a full four months since i got them pierced. and cripes, is it gonna hurt trying to put those bastards back in. hopefully it'll only be a matter of minutes, and taking them out won't make the piercings angry, and it'll be no problem. the only other thing i can think of is if there is a problem, put in 16 ga. instead of the 14 ga.

i think about this way too much.

oy, and now i just spent another half an hour over at bme. i love that place.

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