Saturday, December 14, 2002

cry like a little baby

ok so last night was... ok well for the sake of people who haven't watched ST:X but don't want it spoiled, i'll write about last night in spoiler mode.

so IT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE DATA!!!! it was supposed to be riker! riker was supposed to die! damn it everything i read hinted that troi and riker would be split up... "everyone goes their separate ways". but damn it brian had a damn good point to. apparently, in the movie where spock dies, guess who co-wote it? that's right. the vulcan himself. so it should've tipped us off when brent spiner co-wrote this one (wait was it co-wrote? co-directed? co-produced? let me go look at my reference... damn i know i have it somewhere in these startrek magazines... ok so it says "...and the actor gets a screen credit... for creating the story upon which Logan based his screenplay." so yeah. i'm too pressed for time to look more up). so anyway it made perfect sense in that way that he would die. they bring in B-4, a data prototype that dr. soong created, and download all data's memories into him (although i don't think it worked) and so he's the data-replacement i guess. so brent is still there, just in a less-advanced form. but even though brian told me this, and i saw them bring in B-4, i was still hoping it was riker. even toward the end, when i was sure it was gonna be data, i still had a glimmer of hope that it would be riker (not that i don't like frakes' character, i just like spiner's a whole lot more). so bah. and yes, i cried a little. not as much as i was expecting, but enough to say that i cried.

so that's the heartbreaker. matt says he was showing too much emotion, and he had to go... which promptly started us in a discussion on that ("well he could've evolved" "well didn't he still have his emotion chip?" "no his brother lor took it in that next generation episode with the borg" "well maybe he still had it, he just hid it in his ass and took it out then"). i couldn't believe i found people who actually knew what they were talking about. we stayed for about half an hour after the movie ended just talking.

matt's reaction: *clap clap* "well that sucked." my reaction: "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT WAS DATA!" susan's reaction: well she just looked at us like we were all crazy. from what i could tell, brian and ed liked it, but i don't know... personally i think they could've had a lot more detail in it, a lot more analysis and explanation and... depth? to the plot. that sorta disappointed me, since i love memorizing the little details. we all agreed that they should've had brent spiner say the opener.

but ahhh, it was good. it was really good, and i recommend that everyone should see it, if only to see tom hardy's portrayal of shinzon. i think that was worth it.

so enough with startrek. on to real life (but startrek is real life!). so today i got up and watched the first episode of taken and then had my dad record the second one while i got ready to go to burque to pick up satan. that's right... he's back. he's here right now, in his room with melissa. ::shudder:: i really hope they leave soon i want my house back. anyway my life is going to be hell for about a month now, would anyone like to save me?

i don't know today was a really weird day. so today my mom said again that she should take me to a doctor and have me looked at... you know it could be diabetes or anemia. no shit. hasn't she been saying this for two+ years, and saying she's gonna take me to the doctor for two+ years, and it still hasn't happened?? i'm quite sure that i'll never actually see a doctor. i mean never mind that i've been presenting symptoms (of what exactly i don't know) since seventh grade, and never mind that it's getting worse (apparently now i don't have an appetite... prompting my friends to think i'm anorexic). ah well i can't dwell on this. i figure one day i'll pass out in class and they'll have to take me to a doctor. not that we have the money to pay them...

so yeah. i think i've kicked my caffeine addiction. since i haven't been hungry for about 2 weeks (actually looking and eating food makes me feel sick...), i haven't been drinking as much coffee as usual. sorta tapered off each day, and this morning i had none. so one thing off the check list to making myself feel better.

bah. now i'm tired. i don't know what i'm gonna do this next week, but i'm sure it will involve not being home at all when my satan's around.

bah. catch you later.

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