Monday, December 02, 2002

super bah

so i'm sitting here feeling totally crappy: with a headache, feeling really cold and hungry, my neck and back hurt, my contacts are being stupid, i had a major depressing day at school, and my emotions are totally out-of-whack. ah stupid emotions, sometimes i think i liked it better when i had none.

so when did i post last? ah yes saturday. pants and car kit day. so yesterday we took my brother to burque to my aunt and uncle's new house... weirdly i think they live close to mona... and the other thing: ok, i knew they were pretty loaded, but holy shit that house is... damn. i mean, damn. so yeah, that was interesting. and so now he's gone for LESS THAN TWO WEEKS! i have no idea how i'm gonna survive christmas break with him around. it's worse than this stupid shit i've been going through at school.

so that was yesterday. today... i was late getting out to school so i was speeding the whole way. it's been deathly cold out (deathly cold for this time of the month in northern new mexico), and of course i only wear my little excuse for a jacket every day. i get to school and who do i see: everyone except for alex. great. seeing daivd cheered me up though. run to locker. run to homeroom before the bell rings. listen to crazy people while filing nails. go to trig where i realize i didn't finish the stupid homework we had. oh well. screw that. go to guitar in which i have started to dislike that woman. but seeing daniel makes up for stupid teachers. go to religion and look: another stupid project. oh freaking joy. go to art and sit on our collective asses the whole period talking about the usual... drugs sex and rock and roll. seriously you should listen in to some of our conversations. then lunch... ah lunch. the only redeeming quality about lunch is the little remarks daivd and kyle make, and i'm the only one that hears them. priceless. then history, and history always sucks, as it did today. random talking with claire when we're interrupted and sudden depression mode kicks in. are we seeing a trend here? on to english and satan. bah english and it's stupid rules. i like spanish much better. again, random remarks by daivd made class semi-endurable.

oh yeah secret santas. we drew for secret santas at lunch, although i always hate doing secret santas. it's not that it's not fun, because it is, it's just that the little presents i give to my person are always soooo pathetic. and then i end up giving them duct tape and a lighter, so they automatically know it's me. aw fuck it i'm just gonna give him/her duct tape and matches and get it over with.

just fucking great. now i must finally finish research paper to turn in tomorrow.

if anyone knows how to get rid of emotions, the information would be greatly appreciated.

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