Wednesday, December 04, 2002

i love my wood

i really love hanging around with all my thespians. they're so great, makes me smile. inside jokes are great too.

so anyway... i've said things have been weird lately. i've said that i don't like that they're weird. i've said that we're falling away from each other. all of which i still hold to. so yesterday was the first step. granted, it felt like hell and i felt horrible horrible horrible, but i couldn't sit there any longer.

i don't know what to do now. bah, like that hasn't been said a gazillion times before. it's been pointed out to me many times that i always say "i don't know" and that i never take a firm stance on most any subject. apparently it's annoying to people. but you know if i said out loud how i really felt, i'd have about 2 friends left, and i'd probably be happier that way.

so on for the semi- vow of silence. i'm damn quiet most of the time, but when i do talk... i don't know nothing comes out right, and when it does i get ripped by somebody who has a different view than me or who wants me to explain my unexplainable feelings. bah if they only read this blog maybe they'd chill on the kristin-hating. bah.

and now i just realized that i did it again. "i don't know". it's amazing how that little phrase can get so many people pissed at me.

so bah. i'm about two steps away from taking the plunge and telling them everything. which will pretty much be an end to our friendship, but what else can i do.

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