Wednesday, April 09, 2003

i think i'm sick... again.

i've been feeling sick the whole day. don't know if it's the fact that they took my blood this morning, or cramps, or psychosomatics, or just me being a hypochondriac. well actually no, i know it's not me being a hypochondriac, i actually did feel like shit for about the whole day. i wish that i could actually take a day off of school without being royally screwed for a whole week after. stupid english.

that said, i didn't do trig homework, and i didn't do english notes. both are probably due tomorrow, but right now i can't seem to care. about an hour ago i got back from the guitar concert. it was actually pretty decent. highlights of the show: robert and kyle. kyle and eztrella. eztrella. eztrella. eztrella. she totally rocked. joe and brian's thing would've kicked major ass, except that joe's guitar wasn't tuned, so it sounded like crap. bah. marcos and peter's thing was hella cool too. and badgers spoons and sandwiches' one minute funk, that really isn't funk, and really isn't a minute long, was... ok. good. as good as a minute long four chord song can be. and quacky was pretty damn good when she played the flute and us playing our guitars.

i love music. if someone had played the cello, i could've died. which reminds me i have to make a list of things i have to do before i die. that and a will-like thing. and my own eulogy. yeah, i'm morbid. whatever. death is a major part of life.

it's over. it is totally over. i think when i got up on saturday and didn't think of him, it was over. i hate stupid crushes. and hormones. and i think the whole november/december thing is coming back, except with him, and not with him. except this time it's different. final in a way. and i'm not even that upset about it. shows how good a person i am.

alex, if i ever get another crush, slap me upside the head. honestly.

now i'm tired. oh yeah and i made up a new game... the mono game. ask me about it when i'm not about to pass out.

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