Wednesday, April 16, 2003


so today was pretty good, after i left school that is. i walked into first period this morning and was told that we had a test, that i didn't study for, and i had no idea what we were studying this week, so needless to say i think i got 5 out of 15 questions right. go on retreat for a day, get screwed in trig. oh well. the rest of the day was pretty decent-ish, what with stations and shortened classes.

then after school i went to alex's. we surfed our blogs and i showed her trogdor. then i went out to eat with her, her ma, and sister, and grandparents at luby's. i think if i hadn't gone with her, she would've gone insane. i have to remember to give you back your t-shirt.

ok rant for today: so i live in a double wide trailer. i refer to it as a double wide mansion, because we've added onto it. so we have a gas stove, and whenever the propane tank gets to a certain level, it smells really bad so you know that you need to get more propane. well i walk in the house and smell this and my fist thought, "holy shit did you guys LEAVE THE GAS ON??!" second thought "holy shit you guys really need to get more propane. i can't breathe in here!". so yeah. i think i've gotten used to it by now, but it still is making me feel kinda sick.

easter break! yay for catholic private schools who give 5 day weekends for easter break! people aren't leaving either, so i'll have friends to hang with.

i've been really insanely tired since last week. i hope i'll sleep good tonight.

since this post is apparently all about random thoughts, i'll keep going.

ms. sunseri came into fourth today and called me out. i guess getting a 90 on my psat's and being hispanic is super good, 'cause i got whatever national hispanic scholarship thing (i want to say national hispanic merit scholarship finalist, but i wasn't listening to a damn thing she was saying. certain adults start talking and i just blank out). all she needed to know was am i at least a quarter hispanic. yes, yes i am. three quarters actually. would be full except for my german grandma. i love being a quarter german, except for the fact that i'm built like a german, and look german, and don't look all that hispanic at all unless i'm with my dad, and then it's just hispanic by association. but hey you know the way i see it is i know that i'm a quarter german, but the 3/4 hispanic thing could be a lot of stuff mixed together. i like to claim it's spanish blood, 'cause that's what my elder people (grandparents) say, but you know there's gotta be some native american and mexican and all that other good stuff mixed in there too. but yeah. you'd never know i was hispanic, except for my last name, and since i lost my accent within a year of when i came to st. mike's, and you only hear me speaking spanish (more spanglish) when i'm with family, you really wouldn't tell. at least i don't think you could.

so yeah, that's interesting...

other thing: the guy emailed me and joe back, saying that he put our names on the list all we need to do is fill out an application. the only expense will be transportation, and you know money that we can spend while we're over there. which rocks. now all i need to do is get off my mooching ass and learn how to do my own laundry. hmm... i could always mooch off my family in cruces... hmm...

weirdness. things are looking up.

ok i'm starting to fall asleep, so i think i'll get off now.

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