Thursday, April 24, 2003

"she says i'm lazy"

so i just got my results from by bloodwork back. seems i just have "spring fever". funny, guess i've had spring fever constantly for the past 5 years.

i distrust primary physician doctors now. never will i go back. she's a snippy little one too. you know i'll probably die sometime of cancer or some really horrible disease and they'll just say "we just thought she had spring fever..."


so i find out today that we're fucked. the internship thing is only open to seniors. would've been nice of him to tell us that before. so the only way we'll get in is if he doesn't fill all his senior spots (like that'll happen). so we got an application for the lab, that should've been turned in months ago, instead of the day of the deadline. ah, another reason why i dislike st. mike's so much.

let's see, what else...

oh yeah. crazy pregnant lady made us swing dance in class. in a history class. dancing always adds to the fun of my life at school.

whatever happened to that idea about a sarcastic font?

i never realized how much of a pessimist i am. this whole prom thing just brought it right up. well that and school crap in general. well, and life in general. but lots of people are bitching about prom. ok poll: how much money do you say on average someone would spend on prom (for guys the whole thing, girls just a dress). i say it's average for you to spend $150+ on prom. actually i'd say more, considering people usually go all out for prom.

i'm really tired. i want to sleep all this weekend. no stupid english paper, no homework, no worries. just sleep. well, and the net.

no worries

i should really do that whole write quotes on my wall thing. i mean, my parents are gonna cover it up anyway as soon as my dad gets the money and time to finish drywalling.

i sold all 1000 of my shares in my blog stock yesterday. turned a nice profit, especially since they were given to me when people could buy my blog. shares get wiped out may first, and you only get to keep your balance, so i figure i'll buy up a bunch of little stocks, wait until they go up a cent or two, and then sell them all. that way, i could get a nice little profit, or get royally screwed.

why am i being so random today? i usually always have a thought about what i want to blog about when i sit down here, but after surfing other blogs i just get totally offtrack and end up talking about randomness.

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