Thursday, April 03, 2003

once more, with feeling

sorry i was just over at the buffy site i visit so i had to put a buffy reference in here. wait, why am i explaining this to you? who knows.

revelation one: i hate doctors. well, not those in dentistry or optometry, but the primary physician crap that you go to see if you're sick. i will never go see another again. well, never after wednesday, 'cause i have to go get some blood drawn so they can do stuff with it. finally. i think it was the whole us insisting that since my dad's side has thyroid problems and diabetes it might be a good thing to check out. dr says "okay but i guarantee you everything's gonna be normal". that pisses me off so much. i don't want everything to be normal. i want to find out that something is terribly wrong with me so we can fix it. damn doctors. so yeah, one small victory, but the usual loss in general. bah.

accomplishment of today: I BEAT THE COMPUTER! haHA. had to find a way to change a word perfect document so that you could open it in word, and i did it. i've had a lot of battles with that stupid old computer of my mom's, and both times i have won. granted, the first win took me about 5 months, but it still counts as a win. so haHA. i spent a couple hours on that. felt good to outsmart that damn computer.

bah. blogrolling is down, i don't know what's up with it.

i was in a really really bad mood yesterday because my mouth was really hurting from my ortho appt. on tuesday. so if i pissed anyone off yesterday, sorry. most likely it was because of that. if it wasn't, then i probably meant to piss you off.

i still have to find a way to get weebl and bob in the press. hmm... does getting it all over the blogosphere count?

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