Friday, January 24, 2003

can't... stop... laughing...

my chest hurts from laughing so damn much. i'm still laughing. i'm laughing as i'm writing this. aaaahhhh ok ok i'm good now... if you want an extremely good laugh go here. go there. i don't think it'll make you laugh as much as i did... maybe you won't find it funny at all...

holy shit that was intense. laughter is good for you, physically and emotionally. and now i feel so much better than i did five minutes ago. ah. i should find a post like that more often. it all started when i was surfing blogs. start at blogger, click on one of the "recently updated" blogs, look at it, look at it's links to other blogs, pick one, do the same for that blog, and so on and so forth. well, i was looking at... zanyblog and it had a link to tequila mockingbird. i thought "hey that kicks" since there's this band... that you might have heard of while living in northern new mexico... called "tequila mockingbird". so yeah. that's how i find my blogs that i read, and also a little bit of humor sometimes too.

so today was pretty much an all around bad day. good thing: david ditched so we got an extension on our history project. but i was extremely tired the whole day, and had it not been that my mother drove and was subbing, i would've gotten in my car and gone home. but alas, that was not the case. i was in a mental haze the whole day, clearly out of it (which isn't that much different than how i act usually). people were bitching about the cast list. matt was pissed that he didn't get cast. i was pissed that he didn't get cast. kyle was tiffed 'cause he didn't get mr. frank. also, that i didn't get mrs. frank (bah to clarify: we're doing diary of anne frank, alex is anne, steph is margot, david is mr. frank, jess is mrs. frank, scar is peter, kyle is mr. van dam, i'm mrs. van dam, peter is dussel, marj is miep, and mark is kraler. and sorry if i misspelled but i'm trying to finish this up quick). SO. mainly conflict was due to people being good at certain parts. and frankly i agree with him totally. i see him better as mr. frank, and personally i think it's gonna be damn hard for me to pull of mrs. van dam. jess can do pretty much anything, she's thespian-amazing like that, and david... well that's a different story that i won't get into. but the cast has been... cast? i'll do pretty much any female part. i won't do it as well as others, but i'll do it. so we're not gonna worry about it or try to change it. plus it's supposed to be a "challenge" for us as actors in this play. well the way she cast, i can totally see that.

and now i lost track of what i was talking about.

ah well. so i was thinking i wasn't going to have any homework this weekend. it was going to be a glorious weekend. and then she gives us a freaking english paper. ah the stupidity never ends in that class.

i'm hungry. i'm off to eat.

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