Tuesday, January 28, 2003

when the drugs wear off

see i love the perks of being in the street team. there's a new article in rag magazine about flickerstick. just follow the links to get there. there were a couple of points in that article that got me on edge... one being that they mentioned flickerstick getting signed with epic, but they didn't bother to mention that they dropped epic and are on their own again (well not exactly alone, they still have 226 and now WAR?). so yeah.

why all the links? i'm procrasinating, of course. english paper. halfway done actually. i was quite proud of myself. so i figure what's 45 mintutes on the net? nothing.

i don't know what's gonna happen with the play. we have the plan to switch characters, but i don't know if i want to anymore. i don't know if i want to even be in this play anymore. but as always it doesn't matter what i want, i committed so i have to follow through, even if i am miserable.

i was in such a horrible mood this afternoon. i'm thinkin of staying home tomorrow, seeing as how i felt like crap the whole day.

more to come... when i actually have some time.

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