Sunday, January 05, 2003

last day...

so today is the last day of christmas break. tomorrow at this time i will be sitting in english wishing i could make the teacher quit. but that's tomorrow, a world away.

this break has been... weird. i don't know, nothing drastic happened, no major life-altering events, although there were some horribly horrible days, and a couple pretty good days. i'm not ready to go back to school, but on the other side i'm so ready to go back. i can't handle being away from my friends for that long of a time. it just doesn't feel good. that and since i have nothing to do it just makes me feel worse, being the lazy ass that i am.

but not to fear! the break is over and in a couple of days i'm going to be wishing it wasn't. i'll be counting down the days til easter break (and is spring break and easter break the same thing this year like it was last year? 'cause that really sucked), and then i'll be counting down to summer. and then i'll be miserable not seeing my friends again. oh well.

so yesterday daivd and kyle came to hang out at my house. yes, that's right, my house. well actually i went and picked them up and brought them over, being that i'm quite sure people would get very lost trying to find my house (although it's really really easy to find, but then again i have lived here my whole life). so we hung out for a while. kyle brought his new electric guitar and jammed on it for a while. daivd fell asleep. then we raided my kitchen for food (alas we have nothing of value in our cabinets). when we got into santa we went to the bowling alley to play pool (since that was the "truce" that daivd came up with...).

when i got home like at 9 i found that my satan was back, with melissa, and that robin williams had a special on HBO. so we watched that til like 10, at which point i looked at myself in the mirror and realized i looked really really pale. not as bad as when i feel like i'm gonna pass out, but close. the weird thing was that i felt pretty good the whole day. so then i thought damn, trying to go to sleep tonight is gonna be impossible.

and again, i was right. my lower joints (hips, knees, ankles) were aching just enough to annoy me and not let me go to sleep. i don't know how much time passed, but apparently i fell asleep. i woke up sometime during the night (since i take my contacts out at night i can't read my clock that's like 6ft from me) and my right knee was killing me. a lot of pain. but lazy ass as i am i didn't want to get up and go searching a dark house for some ibuprophin or the like, so i just went back to bed and tried to sleep. tried. don't you hate it when you get songs stuck in your head at night? i do. so i was lying (laying, however the fuck you spell it) there in bed, my knee in pain, with songs in my head. i don't know when i fell asleep but for a while there i thought i was going to go insane.

so i got up this morning and finished The Return of the King. which concludes my reading of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. i really enjoyed reading that book (well technically it's like 6 books or something, but i got the one where they're all put together in one huge book). and now i'm back on the net.

my dad's putting drywall on one wall of my room today. he did the south wall of my brother's room yesterday. within a month, i think, that whole process will finally be done. and then who knows, i might even be able to paint my room by summer break! this is all really quite amazing, given that we started this whole project 6 years ago.

bah. now i'm tired and i think i'll eat lunch. i have to go to church at 7pm since i didn't go with them last night. oh well, daniel will probably be singing, and that's always nice.

hope everybody had a great break.

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