Saturday, January 18, 2003

too many PEOPLE

so i know i haven't posted. that's because i am quite sure i have nothing of importance to say. nothing interesting, nothing mind-blowing, just random crap that flies through my head all day that i don't really want to write down, 'cause frankly it is crap.

my only weirdness that scared me this week is that i was a little more claustrophobic than usual. too many people... everywhere and there was too much noise everywhere. pretty much the kind of thing that usually throws me into a major anxiety attack. i don't know if i'm just getting better at controlling my not freaking out when this happens to me or if something else is happening. ah well.

got some major homework this weekend, so this will probably be the first and last post for a while. unless i get a revelation sometime.

think i might do some yoga...

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