Sunday, January 19, 2003

telling all the world

so i was just over at flickerstick's site and checked it all out. i haven't been able to check it out for a while, given my whole no-computer fiasco and the fact that i just downloaded flash on this computer today. good news: it's their site, and not epic's! more good news: they have a "journal" that cory sometimes updates! even more good news: it's flash, and the graphics don't suck! ok enough of that.

so i finally got my pictures developed over at walgreens... needless to say i'm pissed. the pictures look like crap. the pictures i had of my guys in the play looked bad because of the stupid flash, and the fact that i was totally frazzled (due to car accident and having to ride home in a tow truck with a stranger) and took shitty pictures of everything else. i think i have one decent picture of me, one of alex, one of peter, and an almost really great one of kyle (almost great because it cut off 1/4 of the picture). so maybe i'll update the drama pics at the site. the site which celebrated its one year anniversary on dec. 27th. wow i totally forgot that. or did i blog about it then and now i don't remember? ah well.

so the yoga thing is on its way. that and now i'm going to be taking pictures on my camera (or my dad's if he'll let me), and i'm going to be taking a lot of them. or at least i plan to.

so i asked my dad today "hey dad, am i supposed to be applying for a job now?" and yes, i am, but not at lanl. apparently all i'd be doing if i got hired is being a gofer (hey that's how i spell it), since you really can't do anything over there until you're 18. so bummer. but then i said "so, do i even have to get a job this summer??" i don't know. i offered the idea that i could tutor some poor unsuspecting child over summer, or something of the sort. then there's always that jewelry making thing, and the bracelets, and hey who knows i might even learn some more html with this computer class i'm taking, so i could always do something like that...

so if you want to be an extra in ron howard's movie that he's filming here in new mexico, you're supposed to go to the radisson on saturday (head shots in hand). i mentioned to my mom that hey, i could go put my name in to be an extra, to which she promptly replied "they start shooting in march. you're still in school." damn, school always seems to get in the way of fame. oh well. so since i can't do it, i'm letting you guys know. and my mom says they're looking for girls 16-18(?) who can ride horses. oh yeah, it's a western. like they would think to film anything but a western in new mexico.

i got my computer science homework done, and i've almost finished all my notes for english... not that it matters since i already got a 15% on them. now all that's left is to finish notes and make the mask. bah for english.

i really needed this weekend.

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