Thursday, January 30, 2003

a walk to remember

so yeah, i think i've mentioned that i really love chick flicks. and this is definitely one good chick flick. and it doesn't hurt that shane west is extremely hot. so yeah.

it's almost friday! i have been thinking it was friday the whole day, and then when i got home i thought it was wednesday, and looked at my watch and saw that it was indeed thursday... so now i can't really figure out where one or two days went... actually i think i'm missing a whole span of five days or something... weird.

i was getting thrashed the whole day today. by everyone. i felt like i had to get into that fetal position with my hands behind my head (you know like tuck and roll), the shaking caught me so offguard. i really don't like it that much, well not at all actually. maybe once in a while i will tolerate it (like the whole licking thing... and i was so sure it was over...), but not for as much as today.

but then again maybe i need a good thrashing once and a while to shake me out of the moods i get in.

wow i am definitely gonna start working on that dictionary thought. i just realized half the things i write in here almost no one can understand. my mind works in extremely odd ways...

must leave. got homework.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

English tongue isn't my primary language, however I could understand it using the google translator. Perfect article, have them coming! Thanks a ton!