Tuesday, January 07, 2003


you know i was just thinking that if i get other blogs i could call one "hypochondria" and one "paranoia", to keep with the theme, like pyromania. that and it's actually relevant to stuff i talk and think about. wow. enough thinking for today.

so i'm quite tired right now. going back to school is a bitch. i'm really surprised that i didn't get any homework today (or maybe i did and i just don't remember...). i think psych might actually be a good class. i mean i know that psychology is one option for things i can study in college, and that was the reason i signed up for the class, but i was always a little... nervous? pissed? about the teacher (not my favorite). but since it has been 3 and a half years since i had her last, who knows, things might be different.

my computer science class seems... tricky. like he's one of those guys that looks all chill, but really he's an asshole just waiting for you to cross him. i don't know maybe it was just my paranoia there. but anyway looks like we won't get to html till like the end of 4th quarter. which sucks. apparently we have to learn about the "theories of computing" and stuff like that before. ah that's ok though. as long as we don't sit on our asses for hours on end.

bah i'm tired. i finally took some drugs this morning for my headache that i had since sunday. apparently they worked, because the pain left and i could actually think. amazing.

things are weird. not the same weird... different weird. starting-school-for-the-first-time-but-not-really weird. bah but i have a feeling that afternoon classes are going to suck so much more this semester. even if daivd is in my history class now.

maybe that's what i can do... something in computer/web stuff and psych, and physics (weirdly physics keeps rising to the top of the list... it's very odd... and cool at the same time).

oh well. back to the routine. and yet... it's different...

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