Sunday, November 10, 2002

every little thing you do is tragic

so today's full dress rehearsal was all in all pretty bad. not the worse that we've ever had, i don't think, but it was definitely up there. the worst part is we have a bunch of sevies in the one act, and they don't know how to ad-lib. i was pretty disappointed at peter too but he did a lot better than little ryan. but hey i have to remind myself that he is just learning. he isn't used to having to make something up off the top of his head when he forgets a whole part of his lines.

so yeah. 4 days. not a lot of time. and i haven't practiced enough with david to know if i'm forgetting a lot of lines. but as it is i can always skip through the script... it's pretty much the same thing over and over and over.

and now this DAMN COMPUTER threw me off AGAIN!! after it already froze TWICE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! computer, i hate you.

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