Thursday, November 07, 2002

that is all

ah poor things... they have to be at school in half an hour for NHS inductions. such a waste of time. i was so mad last year that i had to go on my birthday, that now i'm just not going at all. they didn't say that it was mandatory to be there, so i'm not going. yeah.

so now that i have money i want to go to borders or somewhere and get the new tatu cd. kyle said that it was awesome. so maybe this weekend when i'm not working on the research paper i'll run into santa and pick it up.

where is everyone today? i've been on the net for 45 minutes and NO ONE is on AIM. bah i think i'm gonna get a new screen name... and i'm still intent on finding out who has pyro165 and asking them if i could have it. but that would cause some confusion to all their friends, now that i think about it. oh well maybe i'll just use some alias that's not pyro. like... um... oh who am i kidding that is my only alias.

i was really tired this week. tired tired tired. horrible. bah. so because of my tired mind and my on-and-off bouts with stupid sickness i haven't been able to get through the whole script without having to look at it. kyle quoting david's lines doesn't help much either, but that is something that i will just have to look past. bah but it's so much harder... he starts talking and i listen to him and i get LOST in the script. why do i always feel that i have to listen to my friends when they talk? i mean i can block out a lot of other people (this causes great confusion when they're actually trying to carry on a conversation with me), but i can't do it with my friends. oh well.

so tonight's the flickerstick show at the roxy. *hopefully* my cousin found someone to go and get the cd for me. if not, then i'll just have to wait til the 26th and get it in hastings or somewhere.

thank you alex for the duct tape and flickerstick lighter. i love them. but you knew that already.

so yeah. i'm tired. and hungry. gonna go now. byebye.

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