Sunday, November 24, 2002

my head hurts

ah, that's why i don't wear my hair up... coldness gives me headache... aaahhh

so apparently hastings is being stupid, because they still don't have it in their computers, but borders does, and i special-ordered it from the new borders on zafarano. i had no idea there was a borders there. so now i will use my $12 something left on my hastings card for the car kit, and get causing a catastrophe from borders.

if they don't have it by tuesday, i'm gonna be pissed.

i've been listening to 3eb a lot lately... i forgot how much i loved them. it really is an exceptional cd. if i had a cd player in my car i would definitely be listening to it nonstop.

wow this is really weird i'm sleepy and my head hurts, and my neck is cold because i still have my hair up. wait a second... ok ah there i put it down. feels better now.

i apparently don't have that much to say so i'm gonna go now.

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