Tuesday, November 26, 2002

so take a look in my direction

so today was... cold. and weird, but they've all been weird recently. so yeah. aside from jess' dream home (and the hidden basement... priceless), this school week would've been a complete waste of my time. i'm glad it's over, because everyone needs a break. and i need a break from... um... certain people. or shall i say certain person.

i never expected my bout of atheism to bring up that response. i really did not need that from you today, and frankly it shocked the shit out of me that you said that.

but not as much as this shocked me: SCAR CUT HIS HAIR!!!! we have a theory, that someone with high authority (aka the SS or hitler herself) thought his hair was too "unruly" or something to that manner, and made him cut it (because in our stupid dress code they can regulate things like hair being too "unruly"). that, or he had a bout with insanity and actually wanted to cut it. but yeah, it totally caught me offguard this morning.

besides that, today was pretty... typical. for what typical is recently.

i have this sort of half planned out plan for this weekend, and i've been thinking about it a lot, but the thing is we have to use my car for everything (because my mom's van is still wrecked), so i can't use it. AND he comes home tonight. oh joy. like ripping my fingernails off and eating them for dinner.

and hell begins

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